Privacy Policy
BCN40 Gallery values the protection of personal data as essential. We process your information with the utmost care. This privacy statement informs you about how we handle your personal data.

Who is responsible for processing your data?
This privacy statement describes how BCN40 Gallery (hereinafter: “BCN40” or “we”), in the Netherlands exclusively, handles your personal data as the data controller. If you apply for a job with us, we process your data as described in this privacy statement.

What is personal data?
Information that can identify a natural person, such as your name or email address, is personal data. Whether this information qualifies as personal data depends on whether BCN40 has legal means that can reasonably be assumed to identify a natural person.

Personal data we process
We process personal data because you provide it to us when entering into an agreement with us or one of our service partners. When you use our services, we may record certain data about you, such as your interests and communication preferences. Below is more clarification.

Data provided to us
If you make a purchase or enter into a contract with BCN40, we may need the following personal data from you:
• Name and address
• Contact details (phone numbers, email addresses)
• Date of birth
• Gender
• Identity document
• Financial details (bank account information, quotes, invoices).

Data about your use of our services and/or products
If you use BCN40 services or have contact with us in another way, we process, depending on the precise use, the following data, which may be considered personal data:
• Information you provide through our online ticketing system, such as your name, address, and contact details. This also includes any data you provide about a device.
• Information related to your equipment, such as a MAC address, IP address, or other identifiers.
• Browsing behavior, determined by our observations, for example, using cookies or similar techniques (see also Article 9 of this privacy statement).
• Customer satisfaction data and your use of our customer service. This includes letters and emails you submit, as well as telephone conversations, which may be recorded for employee training purposes.

No processing of data for persons under 16
We do not intend to collect data from individuals or website visitors under 16. We encourage parents to be involved in their children’s (online) activities to prevent BCN40 from processing their personal data.

Processing: legal grounds and legitimate interests
BCN40 processes personal data based on the following legal grounds from Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

  1. Your consent
  2. Performance of a contract with you
  3. Legal obligation
  4. Legitimate interest of BCN40 or a third party

Legitimate interests include marketing, advertising, (IT) security, fraud prevention or other criminal activities, IT management, research and analysis of our own products or services, business operations, legal matters, and internal management.

Purposes for processing personal data
BCN40 uses your personal data for the following purposes. The number after each purpose corresponds to the legal ground mentioned in Article 5 of this privacy statement:
• To provide you with our services and products, including handling orders, processing financial records, and logistical handling [ground: 2].
• Providing customer service, including after-sales service, complaint handling, requests, and servicing for our own and partner services [ground: 2].
• Maintaining the customer relationship, including between BCN40, service partners, and related financial service providers, for commercial purposes like proactive contact regarding device issues or scheduling service appointments [ground: 2 or 4].
• Informing you about our products and services via various media with offers, contests, newsletters, or other commercial information. You can always opt-out of this communication. We strive to tailor our communication to your personal preferences [ground: 1, 2, or 4].
• Improving our operations, brands, services, and products, processing your data for market research, customer satisfaction measurement, and improving data quality through address validation techniques [ground: 1 or 4].
• Compliance with legal obligations, dispute resolution, and enforcement of our rights and agreements [ground: 3 or 4].

Sharing with third parties
BCN40 shares your personal data with third parties in the following cases and for the following reasons. The number after each case corresponds to the legal ground mentioned in Article 5 of this privacy statement:
• Transporters or service partners in BCN40's distribution network for product delivery or service provision [ground: 2].
• Third parties providing advertising services for BCN40 using hashed (pseudonymized) data for targeted advertising, like social media platforms or search engines [ground: 4].
• Partners of BCN40 for cookies to tailor content to your preferences [ground: 1].
• Third parties when we are legally required to disclose your data [ground: 3].
• Authorities if we suspect third-party rights violations, criminal acts, or abuse [ground: 3 or 4].

BCN40 uses third-party services, such as hosting providers, mobility service providers, and research firms for customer satisfaction or market research. These providers process personal data only under BCN40’s instructions and supervision.

How long we store data
We store personal data as long as necessary, for example, while you remain a customer or show interest in BCN40’s services. We are also legally required to retain some data. We follow these retention periods:
• Data for marketing and sales purposes: two years after completing a transaction or ending a contract service.
• Customer service data: retained for up to two years after the last contact, except for recorded calls, which are deleted after 30 days.
• Website visit data: cookies are stored for a maximum of two years.
• Financial data: retained for at least seven years to comply with legal obligations.

Tracking website visits and email click behavior
We may use cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies for advertising and improving your experience when visiting our websites or using our services.

Your rights, including the right to object
You have the right to know what personal data we hold and to whom we have disclosed it. You also have the following rights regarding our processing of your personal data:
• The right to withdraw your consent
• The right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority
• The right to rectify your data
• The right to request data erasure
• The right to restrict processing
• The right to data portability
• The right to object to direct marketing
• The right to object to processing for BCN40’s or third parties’ legitimate interests

You can exercise these rights by contacting us via our customer service (see Article 12).

Security of data
BCN40 applies appropriate security measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure, and unauthorized changes to your personal data. We regularly review these security measures.

For questions or comments regarding this privacy statement, you can contact:
BCN40 Gallery
Lakerstraat 60
5613 ES Eindhoven

Alternatively, you can use our contact form: Contact Us | BCN40 Gallery in Eindhoven.

Our data processing methods or the volume of data processed may change. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify this privacy statement. You will be informed of any significant changes if necessary. This privacy statement was last updatet on September 5, 2024.